custom training applications
• Pipeline Procedures for Scraper Pigs
• B-737-300 Variable Speed Constant Frequency (VSCF) Drive
• Power Load Control (PLC) System for Industrial Gas Turbines
• Vibration Monitor System Calibration
• Bailey's Children Software
Pipeline Procedures for Scraper Pigs
Developed for All-American Pipeline this program is used as an introductory training module for operation and field personnel. Focus is on specific procedures for the safe and reliable method of launching and receiving scraper pigs, in a liquid pipeline. Each lesson is followed with a quiz to check comprehension.
Text is supported with high resolution images, animation, and audio narration. This application utilizes a custom template and is produced in a CD-R format.
B-737-300 VSCF - Variable Speed Constant Frequency Drive
Developed for Sundstrand Aerospace, this program is used to train repair and overhaul technicians on how the recognize service bulletin / modifications that have been completed, when receiving a VSCF generator drive into the repair facility. Text is supported with high resolution images, and audio narration. This product is produced utilizing a custom template and is in CD-R format.
PLC Control System “PLC Controls for Industrial Gas Turbines”
Developed for a manufacturer of industrial gas turbines engines as an overview of the control system for gas turbine applications in the power generation and oil and gas industries. Used as a pre-requisite for an instructor led PLC course for Field Service and Customer Personnel. Text is supported with high-resolution images, hot spots and audio narration. This application utilizes a custom template and is in CD-R format.
Vibration Monitor System Calibration
Developed as a proof of concept, to demonstrate the versatility and practicality of Computer Based Training in an industrial training environment. Focus of this application were Field Service and Customer Personnel who required instruciton in the calibration of a proximity probe vibration monitoring system.
The application allows the student to follow the calibration procedure, set the dipswitches and voltages using the approved test kit to get the prescribed levels. The simulation is supported with text, high-resolution images, audio narration, and MPEG-1 digital video clips.
Bailey’s Children’s Software
Developed as a proof of concept, within CPI and given to the First Grade Class at the Children’s School, La Jolla, California.
The application consisting of three modules,
Interactive Calendar
Phonemic Awareness
The interactive text is supported with audio narration; this application utilizes a custom template and is in CD-R format.